Used JEOL JEM 2100F #9248479 for sale

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ID: 9248479
Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (FETEM) P/N / Description EM-21001FBU / Electron microscope basic unit EM-20145 / Field emission gun EM-20520 / Illumination astigmatism corrector unit EM-20500 / CM Lens unit EM-20023 / High resolution pole EM-20G80 / High contrast objective aperture EM-37134PCU / Operation unit EM-23076SVU2F / SIP Vacuum pump unit EM-20531OLACU / Imaging astigmatism correction unit EM-23080 / DP Rough pump unit EM-37115MON / Monitor EM-25400 / Digital hour meter EM-28022LP2 / Lift pole SF6 / Gas charge tool EM-48141D / Water chiller A11J103SD002-08 II / Voltage regulator for 2100F BU SP-2100F / Spare parts CFPJ02B6-S17 / ANEST IWATA Air compressor - / Digital STEM package EM-24541SIOD / Scanning image observation device EM-27102IAU / Image acquisition unit EM-24560 / Dark field image observation device EM-20380 / Hard X-ray aperture EM-20590 / Electrode short switch EDS / OXFORD AZTEC X-Max 80T System IB-62020AXPE / Atmosphere pick-up system - / GATAN Holder and digiscan function - / GATAN 925 Double tilt holder - / GATAN 925 - / GATAN 788 DigiScan.
JEOL JEM 2100F scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a high-resolution, digital imaging instrument that is capable of producing extremely detailed images of a variety of materials. Using a focused electron beam, it is capable of magnifications up to one million times, allowing for the resolution of very small features. JEM 2100F also offers a wider range of analytical capabilities than other electron microscopes, including elemental, crystallographic and morphological analysis. JEOL JEM 2100F has unique features that provide a powerful imaging platform for a variety of applications. It has an integrated high-resolution digital imaging equipment that can generate 3D rendered images, as well as providing post-processing capabilities to enhance contrast. It also has a variable pressure chamber for imaging specimens under different conditions, as well as an automated sample preparation stage. JEM 2100F utilizes a broad range of electron column technologies, including cold field emission and electrostatic lenses. This allows the system to be optimized to produce higher quality images at different magnifications, ranging from half millionth of a meter up to one millionth of a meter. JEOL JEM 2100F offers a large field of view as well, allowing for efficient sample loading and faster imaging. JEM 2100F is also equipped with an integrated EDS X-ray spectrometer, which allows for elemental analysis at up to 720 Kev accelerating voltage. This capability ebon coupled with the unit's advanced imaging capabilities enables it to be used for sophisticated material characterization applications. Finally, JEOL JEM 2100F is a fully automated SEM, meaning that it is capable of running unattended for extended periods of times. This makes it ideal for laboratories where a single operator can manage a range of experiments without worrying about the machine's performance.
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