Used JEOL JEM 2100F #9249571 for sale

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ID: 9249571
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Operated at 200 kV vacuum system for analysis Part number / Description EM 21001FBU / Electron microscope basic unit EM-20145 (ZFE20) / Field emission gun EM-20520 / Illumination astigmatism correct ex unit EM-20500 / CM Lens unit EM-20023 / High resolution pole piece EM 20080(HCOA) / High contrast objective aperture EM-37134PCU / Operation unit EM-23076SVU2F / SIP Vacuum pump unit EM205310LACU / Imaging astigmatism correction unit EM-23080 / DP Rough pump unit EM 37115MON / Main monitor EM-25400 / Digital hour meter EM 28022IP2 / Lift pole Essential accessories: SF6 / SF6 Gas charge tool (Local supply) EM-48141D / Water chiller, one unit type, water-to-air heat exchanger EM-28220 / UPS Power supporter (UPS-410) EM-30040(BS) / Beam stopper EX-37200SMU / Swing mouse unit DTM-961002 / Step down transformer for CWC A11J103SD002- / Voltage regulator for 2100F BU (PN: 781168643) SP-2100F / Spare parts kit CFPJ02B6-S17 / ANEST IWATA Air compressor Battery / Car battery for EM-28220 UPS STEM / Digital STEM package EM-24541SIOD / Scanning image observation device EM-27102IAU / Image acquisition unit EM-24560 / Dark field image observation device EM-20380 / Hard X-ray aperture EM-20590 / Electrode short switch EDS / OXFORD AZTEC X-Max 80T system IB-62020AXPE / Atmosphere pick-up system GATAN / Holder and DigiScan function - / Model 788 DigiScan II - / GATAN Double tilt holder 925 Manuals.
JEOL JEM 2100F is a high-performance, high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) that combines powerful, state-of-the-art imaging and analytical technology with intuitive, user-friendly operation. The system features a wide range of applications, from routine imaging to the possibilities of 3D and spectroscopy, providing unparalleled imaging and analytical capabilities. The system is built on a CCD imaging system, offering true high resolution imaging in all three techniques; conventional secondary electron, backscattered electron and in-lens detection. With its high-performance, high-resolution CCD sensors, JEM 2100F is capable of producing detail-rich images and data at resolutions of 1nm and beyond. Advanced detectors, including an energy dispersive X-ray detector and a total energy detector, provide high-quality analytical data and yield accurate results in elemental analysis and chemistry profiling. JEOL JEM 2100F is also equipped with a multi-axis sample stage, allowing the user to easily manipulate and move the sample for different angles and perspectives, as well as to image larger areas. Additionally, the built-in digital camera provides convenient sample viewing and inspection. Advanced features, such as the dual high-contrast micro-manipulator and the dual side heating and cooling plates, provide further flexibility and control to the user. Overall, JEM 2100F is an ideal choice for a wide range of electron microscopy applications due to its high performance, detailed imaging and analytical capabilities. Its ease of use and intuitive operation make it particularly well suited to the laboratory or research setting, making it a highly valuable asset.
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