Used JEOL JEM 2100F #9269139 for sale

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ID: 9269139
Vintage: 2003
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), 8" 2003 vintage.
JEOL JEM 2100F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped for both analytical and imaging applications. This equipment is designed to allow for routine imaging in a variety of fields, including materials science, life science, electronics and metallurgy. The microscope is equipped with the existing FEI Everhart-Thornley Schottky Field Emission gun for operation at high energy and voltage ranges for high-resolution imaging and analytical applications. JEM 2100F is equipped with a digital camera and a high-resolution imaging system, providing clear and detailed image resolution at low magnifications. The FEI Everhart-Thornley Schottky Field Emission gun offers increased electron current density, resulting in improved imaging capabilities. In addition, the in-Lens CsIS Imaging Unit and in-Lens Electron Acceleration Voltage Modulation allow for improved image quality and electron gun control. The FEI Everhart-Thornley Schottky Field Emission gun can operate at a range of energies from 1-30 kV, allowing for operation at low to high energies to suit the particular imaging or analytical requirements. The gun features a high-resolution digital imaging enabled by the CsIS in-Lens Imaging Machine, allowing for detailed capture of surface features and high-resolution imaging of fine topographical structures. JEOL JEM 2100F also offers a range of analytical capabilities. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) is available for elemental analysis, offering quick spot analysis of materials. In addition, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is available for alloy identification and production of crystal orientation mapping. Data from the imaging tool can also be used for accurate 3D reconstructions of sample structures, enabling visualization of volume structures. Finally, JEM 2100F is equipped with a large stage with 5-axis motion control, providing precise navigation of samples. Coupled with a variety of sample stubs, mounts and holders, the microscope allows flexibility for a range of samples. Once samples are on the stage, a DEIpre Focus-detection asset is available to accurately locate areas of interest for imaging and analysis.
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