Used JEOL JEM 2500SE #9257409 for sale

ID: 9257409
Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM).
JEOL JEM 2500SE is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for a wide range of research and industrial applications. This model is a state-of-the-art imaging equipment capable of high-resolution, high brightness imaging and analysis of specimens in both field-emission and thermal/field-emission modes. It features a multitude of features designed to enhance the user experience, such as superior optical performance, large depth of field, and precise alignment of the imaging system. This combination of features and technologies provides unparalleled imaging and analysis capabilities. The optical unit of JEM 2500SE is built around a monocular column which yields high-performance imaging and analysis capabilities. It features a tungsten anode x-ray source and an 18-beam scanning machine for the highest resolution imaging. This is combined with a field-emission electron gun with a high electrostatic stability, resulting in the highest levels of image brightness. This is further complemented by a large depth-of-field tool, making it possible to image objects with different heights within a specimen without moving the sample. Finally, there is an automated sample alignment asset which ensures precise alignment of the imaging model. JEOL JEM 2500SE is capable of generating images with a resolution down to 1.0 nm in secondary electron mode and 0.7 nm in backscatter electron mode. This makes it perfect for observation and analysis of fine structures and even individual molecules. Additionally, this imaging equipment can detect the presence of trace elements in the sample with a high level of sensitivity, due to its low-voltage operation. The imaging system of JEM 2500SE is equipped with user-friendly software for image processing and analysis of specimens. These features provide a broad range of automated functions which greatly simplify the user's task. Additionally, it is capable of live image presentation, as well as integrating with other imaging and analysis systems. When it comes to sample preparation, JEOL JEM 2500SE provides several options for sample handling. It is compatible with SEM grids as well as stage-top SEM sample holders. Additionally, it features an optional environmental SEM sample chamber with integrated temperature, gas, and humidity controls. Finally, in order to maximize specimen life, it also features a stabilization feature which maintains the sample-holder position prior to imaging. Overall, JEM 2500SE is a powerful scanning electron microscope designed for a wide range of research and industrial applications. Its features and technologies make it ideal for high-resolution imaging, analysis of trace elements, and sub-nanometer resolution imaging. Its user-friendly features and automated functions simplify the users' task, while its sample preparation/handling options provide maximum specimen lifespans.
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