Used JEOL JEM 2500SE #9373226 for sale

ID: 9373226
Wafer Size: 12"
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), 12" (10) Pallets.
JEOL JEM 2500SE is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for high-resolution imaging and analytical applications. It is equipped with a field emission gun (FEG) electron source, which provides a bright source of electrons for inspection and analysis. The FEG electron source consists of an array of bipolar emitters, which extends the life of the source and provide reliable quality images. The microscope is equipped with a variety of detectors, including a secondary electron (SE) detector, a backscattered electron (BSE) detector and an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector. All detectors provide excellent image quality and high sensitivity. JEM 2500SE features advanced imaging capabilities that allow for imaging of a wide variety of samples. The adjustable SE detection system allows the user to select the most suitable imaging mode, while the large depth of field gives users the ability to capture images of different areas within the same specimen. The pre-aligned FEG electron source and Wolter optics keep the image quality consistent during scanning and focus adjustment. The tiltable sample holder is capable of high-residual tilting and accurate image modulation, allowing for the observation of fine structures in three dimensions. The closed working chamber of JEOL JEM 2500SE enables users to work with a wide range of samples without compromising on the vacuum conditions. The chamber is designed to minimize the amount of contamination to the sample and the detector, thus preventing any damage to the specimen. The digital controllers accurately adjust the acceleration voltage and ensure maximum resolution of the images even at maximum magnifications. Moreover, the automated navigation system includes a high-performance camera for easy navigation in the specimen. JEOL JEM 2500S is capable of performing a wide range of analytical techniques such as particle analysis, elemental analysis, phase analysis, and elemental mapping. The EDS detector accurately determines the elemental composition of the sample, while the phase detector allows the user to identify the phase distribution of the specimen. Additionally, JEM 2500SE is capable of surveying samples with its Backscattered Detector and generating a report based on the survey results. JEOL JEM 2500SE is also equipped with easy-to-use software that provides users with access to all imaging and analytical parameters. Additionally, its intuitive user-friendly interface and powerful programs enable users to customize their microscope settings to suit their specific needs. All data acquisition and analysis can be performed quickly and efficiently with JEM 2500SE.
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