Used JEOL JEM 3000F #9267278 for sale

ID: 9267278
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
JEOL JEM-3000F is an advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) that provides exceptional resolution and performance. It has an electron microscope column, chamber and beam-deflection equipment, sample stages and a detector system. The column presents a high frequency of 2.3keV, accelerating voltage up to 30 kV and a field emission source with focus control. This allows for greater flexibility for electron beam operators and allows for higher resolution images. The chamber of JEM-3000F is pressurized with an inert gas to mitigate the amount of sample contamination and provides an imaging environment conducive for clarity. The column also has a beam-deflection unit for improved stability and accuracy for scanning and imaging sample. The sample stages performs in various modes: tilt/rotation movements, Raster Mode, Area Scan and Point Scan mode. These all contribute to the versatility of JEOL JEM-3000F and provide a variety of imaging techniques. The detector machine is equipped with a Gold S-type secondary electron detectors to obtain topography images and a CEOS detector allows for high-contrast imaging of the localized surface compositions. Additionally, JEM-3000F possesses an in-column EDX unit which is equipped with 5.2 μm-100 μm apertures, pre-sample and post-sample detectors. This allows for elemental identification which is useful for crystallographic and atomic structure identification of samples viewed using the microscope. Due to the high-specification nature of JEOL JEM-3000F and the many features, it is an exceptional SEM. The high degree of flexibility, sample stages and detection tool contribute to making this the ideal choice for various imaging applications. The versatility of JEM-3000F for imaging and analysis makes it a useful tool for scientists and researchers alike.
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