Used JEOL JEM 3200FS #9281736 for sale

ID: 9281736
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), 12" 2006 vintage.
JEOL JEM 3200FS is an advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) that utilizes a cold field emission electron gun to acquire high-resolution images and data. The cold field emission gun enables the technology to remain stable over time, allowing it to deliver consistent and reliable images. The SEM produces high-resolution images from as small a sample as a single nanometer and provides automatic control of both the incident and secondary electrons for optimum resolution and noise reduction. To minimize charging effects the SEM utilizes an integrated low vacuum system. Furthermore, the three circular electron gun lenses use magnetic electron optics to achieve greater resolution while providing excellent image contrast and a wide depth of field. JEM 3200FS comes with a variety of features for analyzing dual-beam scanning electron microscopy (DB-SEM), including a high pressure quick-sample transfer chamber, a high-speed imaging option, and sample stage controls. These features give the SEM the capability to image a wide range of sample components, such as layers, edges, and boundaries. The SEM can be used to analyze high-resolution non-destructive 3D analysis, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), electron beam induced current (EBIC) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The EDS makes elemental analysis simpler, as it helps detect and quantify elemental components to 0.1 percent or less. JEOL JEM 3200FS is also capable of line and angle scanning, cellular mapping, and image stitching. The microscope is equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface that includes a variety of operational menus, making it easy for users to access various settings and parameters. The software can also be used for remote operation and remote data acquisition from a distance. Overall, JEM 3200FS provides high-resolution imaging, advanced features for dual-beam scanning electron microscopy, and intuitive software for remote operation and data acquisition. Incorporating its cold field emission electron gun, the SEM enables reliable and consistent images. As such, this technology is ideal for imaging a wide range of samples at the nanometer level and for performing a variety of elemental analyses.
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