Used JEOL JEM F200 #293597811 for sale

ID: 293597811
Vintage: 2018
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Cold Field Emission Gun (CFEG) JEC-4000DS Dry pumping station for TEM OneView IS Camera Descan Automated sample holder transfer system Energy dispersive X-Ray spectrometer, 133 eV Specimen high tilting holder Chiller Vibration isolation table 2018 vintage.
JEOL JEM F200 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that provides a field-emission electron source that produces high-resolution imaging, allowing magnified images of sample structures at resolutions of up to 5 nanometers. A modern SEM equipment, JEM F200 offers a wide range of capabilities and options, allowing it to be suited to a range of applications and specimens. JEOL JEM F200 has an acceleration voltage of up to 300 kV and a resolution of 5 nm at a working distance of 3 mm. An in-column, condenser-lens beam-blanking system provides dynamic contrast for beam analysis of objects, using a combination of accelerating voltage, detector selection, and beam blanking. The beam current can be adjusted from 0.1 pA to 20-40 nA, and a low currents of 1-2 pA is possible with a high-fidelity gun circuit. JEM F200 utilizes an electron-optical column, with both achromatic and annular fields included as standard. Four built-in detectors are available, including an Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector, a tungsten/rhenium backscatter electrons detector, a transmitted energy detector, and a BSE detectors. JEOL JEM F200 offers fast imaging with low specimen drift and the optional spot-scanning stage allows for the acquisition of nanometer-scale images. An automated sample stage allows for easy and efficient sample loading, and the multi-position pin-holder sample stage allows for easy specimen centering. There is also a dark-room port cover and a gun chamber cover for users working in ultra-low vacuum environments, such as for Freeze-Fracture Replication. JEM F200 also includes a variety of automated features and functions, such as phase-shift scanning and time-lapse acquisition. The built-in computers have a high-speed single processor that provides a range of imaging modes, automated operation and control of unit parameters. The temperature control machine provides temperature control with +/- 0.5 degree Celsius precision and full automation. Overall, JEOL JEM F200 has high-precision imaging and automated operation, making it ideal for a wide variety of applications including biological, industrial, and research settings. This tool is capable of producing extremely high resolution imaging at up to 5 nanometers and provides excellent functionality thanks to its built-in detectors, automated sample stage, and automated functions.
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