Used JEOL JFS 9855S #9080586 for sale

ID: 9080586
Vintage: 2000
Dual beam FIB-SEM Currently in storage 2000 vintage.
JEOL JFS 9855S is an advanced desktop scanning electron microscope (SEM) developed for imaging, analysis, and measurements of a wide range of samples. This SEM is capable of sub-nanometer resolution, making JFS 9855S ideal for high magnification imaging and metallurgical sample analysis. The 9855S's versatile design allows for both variable pressure and high vacuum SEM imaging; this allows for accurate imaging and analysis of a large portion of material samples. The variable pressure mode allows for surface analysis of wet and absorbent samples, as vacuum does not need to be achieved in order to take a detailed SEM image. The 9855S is equipped with a digital and analog video camera, enabling the user to record SEM images with the utmost precision and clarity. The digital camera supports a variety of resolutions and contrast techniques, including High Dynamic Range Imaging. This allows to capture higher contrast images, with a greater range in brightness between shades of similar colours. Additionally, JEOL JFS 9855S comes with a comprehensive suite of software to facilitate the manual or automated preparation of quantitative data on the imaged samples quickly. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) can be used to provide a detailed elemental analysis of the target sample through the measurement of the X-ray energy emitted when a sample is bombarded with electrons. This can be paired with an X-ray microanalysis software suite to generate qualitative and quantitative data from the SEM images including elemental composition, morphology, and size distribution. The system also comes with an optional 3-axis stage for precise analysis of large samples. The EDS and optional stage can be paired with automation software for highly accurate and repeatable analysis. In summary, JFS 9855S is a versatile desktop scanning electron microscope perfect for imaging, analysis, and measurements of a wide variety of samples. This advanced SEM is equipped with both a digital and analog camera, along with software to provide automated or quantitative data. The optional EDS and 3-axis stage make this SEM ideal for anyone needing a high resolution, quality SEM for microscopy and metallurgy applications.
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