Used JEOL JFS 9855S #9249355 for sale

ID: 9249355
Vintage: 2001
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 2001 vintage.
JEOL JFS 9855S is a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector for elemental analysis. It is equipped with a 3.4-nm tungsten filament, which is capable of providing up to 125kV for operation. Additionally, it has a large chamber size for sample observation that offers 20cm x 20cm of access area and a user-friendly user interface. Its energy dispersive X-ray detector offers accurate, high-resolution EDX elemental analysis measurements of the sample. The EDX detector has a very small interaction volume, making it ideal for quantifying trace elements in samples. The accelerator lens employed in JFS 9855S is a two-stage design which improves unit performance and reliability, resulting in improved resolution and a wide range of sample sizes and shapes. The second stage of the accelerator lens also has a beam-spreading device which reduces the effect of scattered electrons, thereby improving image quality and contrast. Consequently, sub-micron resolution is achievable. JEOL JFS 9855S is equipped with a 7.4kW E-Gun power supply which enables high-resolution secondary electron imaging. Additionally, the equipment boasts an ultra-sensitive E-Gun current monitoring system which helps to ensure beam stability and repeatable imaging. The energy filter unit on JFS 9855S is fully integrated with the E-Gun and EDX detector, allowing for real-time energy filtering of the beam. This helps to reduce secondary electron yield and can focus X-ray analysis on a small region of interest. The filter also enables adjustment of the energy resolution of the EDX detector. JEOL JFS 9855S is also equipped with a variety of high-resolution automated cameras, such as the Standard camera, High-magnification camera, and Scanning/Low-magnification camera. Furthermore, the advanced auto-focusing machine on the 9855S allows the operation mode to be easily switched between auto mode and manual mode, providing versatile imaging and analysis capabilities. In conclusion, JFS 9855S is a powerful, high-resolution scanning electron microscope with an integrated EDX detector, which allows for the accurate analysis of Elemental composition. Its beam-spreading device allows for high-resolution imaging and the energy filter ensures high resolution elemental analysis. The automated camera and auto-focusing tool make JEOL JFS 9855S a versatile asset for imaging and analysis of a wide range of samples.
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