Used JEOL JSM 35 #9402450 for sale

ID: 9402450
Electron microscope Sample holder and filaments.
JEOL JSM 35 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that offers a wide range of imaging applications, making it a powerful tool for scientific research. It has an abundance of features and capabilities that make it an ideal instrument for obtaining high-resolution images. JSM 35 boasts superior resolution and image quality with a simple construction and affordability compared to other SEMs. It features a tungsten filament gun with a two-stage thermionic electron source. This allows for higher beam currents and better resolution up to a maximum of 250 nm. This instrument also features a variety of detectors, such as a secondary electron detector, an energy dispersive X-ray detector, and a backscattered electron detector for improved imaging capabilities and an enhanced display of elemental analysis. JEOL JSM 35 enables the user to choose from various scanning modes depending on the need. These include scan modes such as variable pressure, variable current and variable spot size scanning. Additionally, this tool enables the user to select between interchangeable imaging modes. The choice among these modes includes secondary electron imaging, variable pressure imaging, and backscatter electron imaging. JSM 35 can also be used for preparing samples for further examination. Manual manipulation with the system's manipulator, sample holder and vacuum system can be used to easily select and move sample substrates. This instrument is outfitted with a suite of automated alignment and track programs that are configurable via a built-in state machine. This enables users to quickly and precisely find points on a sample and accurately move from one point to the other. This robust automation simplifies the analysis, allowing for more detailed image capture and collection of data, thus reducing the overall time spent on an individual experiment. A digital interface allows for easy integration with other graphical design, analysis, and CAD programs. This allows users to share and communicate their results quickly and easily. Additionally, this SEM is capable of accessing higher resolutions which enable the user to more closely inspect and evaluate the surface of a specimen. JEOL JSM 35 is an excellent choice for an SEM. Its powerful combination of features, resolution, and automated capability makes it a great option for scientific research and imaging applications.
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