Used JEOL JSM 5200 #9082752 for sale

ID: 9082752
Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5200 is a scanning electron microscope designed for both superior resolution and low background noise. It is capable of high-contrast imaging of nanostructures with a resolution of 0.6 nm in the secondary electron (SE) mode and a minimum working distance of 8 mm in the SE mode. The instrument is equipped with two standard detectors for SE and backscattered electrons (BSE) imaging. It is also able to generate high-contrast images of complex nanostructures, such as quantum dots and nanorods, without the need for special specimen preparation. JSM 5200 is a dual-beam instrument which combines both low-vacuum and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Both of these modes are capable of obtaining 0.2nm resolution while maintaining low levels of background noise. Additionally, the instrument is able to operate in a variety of modulation modes, such as static and variable pressure. This enables the user to optimize the environment for different types of samples. The specimen stage of JEOL JSM 5200 is temperature controlled to improve sample stability and allow for observation of temperature-sensitive samples. The microscope is also capable of obtaining real-time images of samples, allowing for research into dynamic processes such as cell migration. JSM 5200 is capable of generating colors in a variety of ways, including chromaticaberration correction, brightness and contrast enhancements, and image composition using the signal from three different detectors. Additionally, it offers the ability to store images in a variety of formats including TIFF, BMP, and JPEG. Finally, JEOL JSM 5200 is equipped with a fully automated specimen preparation unit which allows for the evacuation of specimens for characterization. This unit consists of an autoloader, a pressure mounted holder, and a variable pressure stage which can accommodate a variety of sample sizes and shapes. Overall, JSM 5200 is an excellent scanning electron microscope capable of providing high-resolution images of nanostructures with low background noise. Its dual-beam capabilities, automated specimen preparation unit, and variety of modulation modes make it an ideal choice for a variety of imaging applications.
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