Used JEOL JSM 5300LV #9302351 for sale

ID: 9302351
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5300LV is a highly advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) known for its versatile capabilities as well as its high resolution imaging. The instrument combines the convenience of low vacuum operation and ease of use with powerful analytical tools. The high resolution imaging features of the microscope enables a range of applications from simple imaging to more complex techniques such as elemental analysis and microdiffraction. The unique construction of JEOL JSM-5300LV includes a large secondary electron detector which eliminates much of the distortion seen with more conventional designs. This enables the microscope to rapidly image large areas while maintaining a consistently high resolution. The secondary electrons generated by the sample are collected, amplified and focused to create the image. The microscope also features a large field of view due to the impressive range of magnifications available. Magnifications of up to 200,000x are possible with corresponding resolutions better than 0.7nm. With this kind of high magnification, researchers have the capability to accurately analyze phenomena previously unachievable. The high resolution imaging can be further enhanced by the variety of detectors at the user's disposal including backscattered electrons, in-lens detection and even far side imaging. This makes it easy to analyze fine structures and detect subtle differences in mineral composition and other aspects. To facilitate the more advanced analytical features, the instrument is also equipped with a number of software packages. These include particle analysis, elemental mapping, grain analysis and even 3D imaging. All the analytical features are combined to give users the power to explore their samples with unsurpassed detail and accuracy. In summary, JSM 5300LV is a powerful scanning electron microscope with a range of features designed to enhance imaging and analytical performance. This high performance, versatile microscope is a perfect tool for users wanting to explore samples with great detail and accuracy.
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