Used JEOL JSM 5400 #9079563 for sale

ID: 9079563
Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5400 is an advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a unique combination of performance and features. It offers high resolution imaging, a wide range of analytical applications, and user-friendly operation. This leading-edge instrument is capable of capturing detailed images and conducting a variety of analytical tasks with its powerful electron beam and large chamber. JSM 5400 is equipped with a Thermo Noran Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) for chemical identification of unknown particles. This spectrometer features high resolution imaging and a range of energy analyses, such as elemental mapping and composition. JEOL JSM 5400 also includes a secondary electron detector for obtaining optimal image contrast in non-conductive samples and to measure surface topography. Additionally, the instrument can measure surface potential via a BSE detector. The instrument is equipped with a 300 Newtons GeminiKV 4-axis micromanipulator for precise placement and manipulation of specimens. This micromanipulator provides smooth coordination of motion, and its joystick control is optimized for optimal command in three-dimensional space. The microscope allows a maximum beam current of 1 pA to 2 nA, depending on the application. The variable working distance is adjustable from 8 mm to 32 mm to allow a wide range of specimens to be studied. Additionally, this SEM offers superior specimen stability with vibration-free operation and cryo-stability for frozen or cryogenically treated material. The user interface of JSM 5400 includes a modern control panel, allowing for intuitive operation of the instrument. The control panel features an icon-based menu structure that allows users to easily select analytical parameters and obtain accurate results quickly. In addition, the control software also provides advanced three-dimensional viewing with reconstructed images. JEOL JSM 5400 is a powerful SEM, designed for optimal usability and maximum performance. With its combination of advanced imaging, analytical capabilities, user-friendly interface, and unique micromanipulator, JSM 5400 provides an ideal instrument for many types of SEM applications.
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