Used JEOL JSM 5510 LV #293669766 for sale

ID: 293669766
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Accelerator voltage: 0.5-30 kV Magnification: 18-300000 Resolution: 3.5 nm Maximum sample size: φ150 mm Angle range: -10°-90° Rotate: 360° Specimen movement range: X: 20 mm Y: 10 mm Z: 5-48 mm.
JEOL JSM 5510 LV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is an advanced imaging and analytical instrument designed for use in the fields of nanomechanics, materials science, forensics, and life sciences. This SEM offers bright- and dark-field imaging, secondary-electron imaging, analytical capabilities, and magnifications ranging from 50x to 500,000x. The 5510 LV is equipped with an advanced electron gun and beam control system for optimal image quality and efficient operation. It also comes with a field-emissions counter-equipped lens that is designed for high-resolution imaging. The advanced electron gun produces a range of high-voltage magnifications between 10kV and 40kV. A MicroPore Systems Inc. sample stage is also included, allowing for easy sample loading and automated stage operations. The 5510 LV offers high-sensitivity secondary-electron imaging for a variety of different sample types. It also offers high-resolution far- and near-field imaging solutions, which are ideal for studying specimen composition at the nanoscale. Additionally, the 5510 LV is equipped with a variety of advanced analytical features, including Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (WDX). These features enable users to identify elements present within a sample at a molecular scale. Finally, the 5510 LV is equipped with a variety of software modules, including EDAX EDS, FEI EDS, FEI XRF, FEI WDX and Automated Stage Scanning (ASS) for efficient and reliable image and analysis collection. With these advanced software packages, users can easily produce high-resolution images and quickly analyze their specimens. The 5510 LV is also capable of adapting to a variety of user needs, allowing users to customize their SEM for different types of experiments and applications.
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