Used JEOL JSM 5510 LV #293671432 for sale

ID: 293671432
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5510 LV is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for a variety of applications. It has a variable pressure and low voltage field emission gun (FEG) source for increased chemical and physical performance, while also offering a wide range of variable pressure capability and higher image resolutions. This makes it an ideal instrument for SEM analysis and materials characterization for fields such as biology, semiconductors, materials science, and more. The electron source for JEOL JSM 5510LV is a low voltage FEG, allowing for reduced charging and field emission current that is stable during magnifications, while providing a short acceleration voltage and higher resolution at low magnifications. This FEG also allows for multiple beam convergence angles, giving more flexibility when creating a desired image. The vacuum chamber and variable pressure option also helps to reduce vacuum degradation from air pressure, allowing for higher image resolution even at very high magnifications. The system also features a large energy range for analysis and imaging, from 0.5 keV to 30 keV, making it well-suited for all types of imaging, from light to heavy elements. With an in-column energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector included, operators can use both qualitative and quantitative analysis for all types of samples. An energy filter in-column also helps operators with elemental analysis. For imaging and analysis on biological samples, JSM 5510 LV system offers an Environmental SEM (ESEM) option. This mode is designed to minimize water evaporation from specimens, which normal SEMs do, while still providing high resolution images. Finally, JSM 5510LV offers a wide range of sample preparation options for users. An in-column cryo-focusing option is available for both wet and dry samples, and this helps to ensure that maximum magnification is reached. A range of sputter systems are also offered for coating and imaging samples, such as platinum, gold, and carbon. Overall, JEOL JSM 5510 LV is a powerful scanning electron microscope that is designed to offer state-of-the-art imaging capabilities. Its variable pressure and low voltage FEG source allow for clear images at higher magnifications, even with wet and biological samples, while its wide range of energy dispersive and sample preparation options make it ideal for a range of applications.
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