Used JEOL JSM 5600LV #293663801 for sale

ID: 293663801
Vintage: 1998
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Electron source: W Standard resolution Standard magnification Manual stage Range: X: 20 mm Y: 10 mm Z: 40 mm Rotate and tilt (Manual) SE Detector Retractable BSE detector (2) JEOL Vacuum pumps Does not include water chiller Power conditioning box Standard probe current Standard voltage 1998 vintage.
JEOL JSM 5600LV is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a high resolution of up to 0.3 nm. It has a wide dynamic range and advanced imaging capabilities that make it suitable for use in research across all scientific disciplines and engineering applications. The instrument is powered by a built-in field emission source, which produces electrons of high energy with a low base current and minimal disruption to the sample surface. The high energy and short particle path ensure accurate results with minimal charging effects. The range of beam currents available allows for different specimens and analysis techniques, ranging from high resolution imaging to EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) and WDS (wavelength dispersive spectroscopy) analysis. The high performance optical system allows for an electron wavelength of 0.06 nm and provides resolution and magnifications of up to 500 kX. It also features a two dimensional stage movement with independent X and Y axes for precise positioning. JSM 5600LV has a high vacuum chamber that allows for quick operation and rapid sample exchange. JEOL JSM 5600LV is equipped with a digital detector that features a high resolution of 2,048 X 2,048 pixel detection pixels when using 1 × 1 binning. The system supports simultaneous imaging of multiple specimens, allowing for faster sample times and improved workflow. The user-friendly control software is easy to operate and includes advanced features for data acquisition and processing. The software supports automatic data collection and image manipulation as well as various analysis tools. It also allows for 3D reconstruction from high resolution images. In addition, JSM 5600LV is compatible with a range of accessories to expand its capabilities; including FEG (field emission gun) sources, digital HV microscopes, retractable sample stages, tiling stages, and sample gripping and manipulation tools. The instrument is reliable and built to last, providing exceptional performance that produces reliable results over extended periods of time.
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