Used JEOL JSM 5600LV #9105934 for sale

ID: 9105934
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5600LV is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is capable of providing high-resolution imaging and analysis of samples. It utilizes an advanced electron optics design employing a cold field-emission gun and a condenser lens to provide high brightness and excellent resolution. The microscope is equipped with an ultra-high resolution Schottky field emission gun that enables a maximum beam resolution of 1.7nm. This microscope also features an automated optical alignment system, which provides for automatic adjustment of the incident angle, focus, astigmatism, and other parameters to minimize image distortion and maximize resolution. JSM 5600LV utilizes an ultra-stable detector to ensure superb reproducibility and image stability. It is equipped with a 5- megapixel back-illuminated charge-coupled device (CCD) detector or a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) camera to provide excellent imaging. The SEM is further equipped with a full-aperture 5-segment secondary electron detector for high-resolution imaging. JEOL JSM 5600LV has a wide range of analytical and imaging capabilities. These include elemental mapping, phase analysis, nanocomposite analysis, X-ray spectroscopy, and surface contour mapping. It also allows for imaging in standard scanning mode and high-magnification scanning mode. The microscope is capable of probing microscopic features in fine detail with the help of the multicollector system. The system also allows for automated column movement to quickly and accurately access all necessary microscope settings. JSM 5600LV also has an intuitive user interface to facilitate user interaction. It features an automatic control function that simplifies intuitive control of the microscope. It is also equipped with a color LCD display for easy image monitoring and navigation. It also includes an external control port that is capable of controlling the SEM functions from a remote interface such as a PC or laptop. JEOL JSM 5600LV is an advanced analytical instrument that is well suited to a variety of applications. It is capable of providing high-resolution imaging and analysis of samples. It has a wide range of analytical and imaging capabilities, along with an intuitive user interface for easy operation. It is well suited for a variety of research applications in many industries.
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