Used JEOL JSM 5600LV #9161455 for sale

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ID: 9161455
Scanning electron microscope, (SEM) Electron source: Tungsten Resolution – 5nm Probe current – 10pA to 10nA Accelerating voltage - 0.5 to 30 kV (in 53 steps) Magnification - 25 to 300,000x Specimen area - up to 125 mm in diameter Stage movement - x, y, z, rotate, tilt Detector – secondary electron detector.
JEOL JSM 5600LV is a powerful scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed to provide high-resolution, high-contrast topographical images at magnifications up to 300,000x. This instrument is geared towards applications in the life sciences, with a variety of features that allow for more precise specimen manipulation and imaging. JSM 5600LV includes a Cold Field Emission Gun (CFEG) for stable electron beams and a 0.5nm in-column energy Filter, for obtaining image contrast in non-conductive specimens. The inclusion of a Field Emission Electron Source (FEG) allows for even greater magnification, to around 500,000x. JEOL JSM 5600LV also has a variable working distance detector with an emission current of up to 50 nA to capture a variety of specimen types. Specimen holders on JSM 5600LV facilitate the manipulation of the sample and provide maximum resolution during imaging. Manipulation holders can be manipulated in three axes (xyz) to map out the sample, and the use of automated stage control capabilities facilitates rapid scanning. JEOL JSM 5600LV also includes a variety of automated operational modes. Automated Image Capture allows for rapid scanning and imaging, while the Real-Time Scanning mode reduces electron beam movement by continuously capturing images in defined regions. JSM 5600LV also includes features such as automated focus control, automated detection of features, and automated selection of desired features for imaging. For data analysis, JEOL JSM 5600LV allows for three dimensional analysis of features within a sample. This is accomplished by combining images taken from different angles and superimposing the data. With four detectors to choose from, users can capture both topographical and elemental surface images of a sample. Additionally, JSM 5600LV offers a variety of post-processing options including edge enhancement, image rotation, and scaling, as well as the ability to add labels, symbols, and other annotations to images. JEOL JSM 5600LV is a powerful and incredibly versatile scanning electron microscope. It features an array of options designed to facilitate the imaging and analysis of features on samples from the life sciences, and is equipped with automated features to allow for precise specimen manipulation and rapid imaging.
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