Used JEOL JSM 5610 #9008606 for sale
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ID: 9008606
Vintage: 2002
Scanning electron microscope
Resolution (high vacuum mode): 3.5nm (3.5nm@Acc.volt30kv,WD6mm)
Accelerating voltage: x0.5 to 30kV (53 steps)
Images: SEI, BEI (COMPO, TOPO, Shadow)
Magnification: 18(18x@WD48)x to 300,000x (in 136 steps)
Specimen size: less than 6"
Specimen stage:
Eucentric goniometer
X: 80mm
Y: 40mm
Z: 5 to 48mm
Tilt: -10° to 90°
Rotation: 360°
Electron gun: W filament
Gun bias: automatically settable for all accelerating voltages
Image shift: +12 micrometer or -12 micrometer
Displayed image: 640 x 480 pixels(640×480, 1280×960pixels)
Analytical functions: OXFORD ISIS EDS system
Detectable element range: 5B to 92U
2002 vintage.
JEOL JSM 5610 scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a highly advanced imaging and analytical instrument used in a wide array of research fields. It enables the user to observe the internal structure and surface composition of samples with detailed resolution and accuracy. JEOL JSM-5610 operates on an Electron Beam Column architecture that consists of an electron gun, acceleration column, electromagnet optics and detectors. It is fitted with a tungsten filament electron gun that accelerates electrons to a pre-determined energy. The electrons are then focused by electrostatic lenses, allowing for high resolution imaging of the specimen. High-resolution images of specimens can be obtained at various magnifications ranging from x5 to x500,000. The acceleration voltage of JSM 5610 is variable from 0.2kV to 30kV, allowing for in-depth analysis of samples with different levels of thickness. JSM-5610 scanning electron microscope is also capable of performing energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) of specimens. The EDX system is coupled with the electron gun and provides the user with elemental identification of the elements present in the sample. Additionally, JEOL JSM 5610 is equipped with a wide array of detectors that allow for collection of secondary electrons, backscattered electrons and transmitted electrons, providing the user with valuable information related to the surface topography of the sample. The detectors also enable the user to obtain compositional and topographical maps of samples, which can further be used for in-depth material analysis and characterization. Overall, JEOL JSM-5610 is a powerful instrument that provides the user with great precision and accuracy when it comes to imaging and analysis of samples. It is equipped with cutting-edge features and technology that facilitate the user with simplicity and convenience. JSM 5610 scanning electron microscope is highly recommended for research institutes and industrial laboratories where advanced imaging and analytical capabilities are required.
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