Used JEOL JSM 5800 #9243695 for sale

ID: 9243695
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) With EDAX EDS Chiller Internal deck computer, CRT.
JEOL JSM 5800 is an advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) that provides superior imaging capabilities for research and scientific applications. This microscope utilizes an ultra-sensitive secondary electron detector to detect a wide range of details from samples, allowing users to acquire detailed images of difficult-to-detect features. It has a flexible gun alignment equipment, high acceleration voltage, and an ultra-high resolution of up to 0.15nm. JEOL JSM-5800 is capable of imaging features down to the nanometer range, allowing for amazing detail in even the smallest samples. JSM 5800 is equipped with two detectors, including a secondary electron detector (SED) and an in-lens backscatter detector (BSD). The SED offers a enhanced level of detail and resolution, with a maximum magnification of 150000X. The BSD can detect transmitted and backscattered electrons, which is beneficial for applications such as elemental analysis. Both detectors have a wide variety of adjustments, allowing users to customize them for their application. In addition to the detectors, JSM 5800 also features an adjustable gun alignment system, which can be used to align the electron beam with whatever sample is being studied. This helps to reduce errors and artifacts caused by imperfect alignment, making it essential for precise imaging. The microscope also has an adjustable acceleration voltage, which can be adjusted between 0.5 and 30.0kV. This makes it possible to image samples with different properties, such as biological samples and semiconductor materials. JSM-5800 also includes an automated feature recognition unit, which makes sample analysis easier. This machine uses machine learning technology to detect and distinguish different features within a sample, reducing the time required for imaging and analysis. Finally, the microscope is also equipped with a sophisticated control tool, which allows users to easily configure and operate the instrument. Overall, JEOL JSM 5800 is an extremely powerful scanning electron microscope that provides superior imaging capabilities and features for a variety of research and scientific applications. With its advanced detectors, adjustable gun alignment asset, adjustable acceleration voltage, automated feature recognition model, and sophisticated control equipment, JEOL JSM 5800 is an invaluable tool for scientists and researchers.
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