Used JEOL JSM 5800LV #9079565 for sale

ID: 9079565
Scanning electron microscope, (SEM).
JEOL JSM 5800LV is a high performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is capable of providing detailed imaging of a variety of samples. The instrument utilizes secondary electrons (SEs) produced by the electron beam to create high resolution images of the surface of a sample. The high voltage electron gun is capable of generating an electron beam of up to 30kV, and the detector is designed to image SEs within a range of 0.5 to 30kV. The microscope can be operated in both high resolution and low-vacuum SEM modes, allowing for an extensive range of imaging capabilities. The specimen chamber is designed to accommodate samples of various sizes and shapes, featuring a vacuum chamber that is capable of achieving pressures up to 1.3 x 10-3 Pa. The specimen stage is designed with a sample motor to move the sample holder in x-y-z directions, allowing for easy and accurate alignment of sample features. The stage is equipped with sample clamping capabilities for making secure recordings of sample features. JEOL JSM 5800 LV is capable of producing high-resolution images of samples. The imaging equipment employs an Everhigh Optics column with a 3-stage deflector, allowing for imaging resolutions down to 1.4nm in a field size of 1.4mm, and a maximum imaging resolution of 0.9nm in a field size of 0.4mm. The imaging system is also equipped with a proprietary Everhigh "ultra-HR spot" mode, which utilizes a narrow illumination area to achieve high diffraction-limited resolutions. The microscope is also equipped with a number of advanced features, including a multi-mode detector unit, an automatic analysis machine, an everglow detector, and a "color" analysis mode. The multi-mode detector tool is capable of recording both SE, Backscattered Electrons (BSEs) and X-ray spectra, allowing for comprehensive imaging and analysis of sample features. The Everglow detector eliminates image distortion due to external disturbances, such as air currents, enabling clear imaging of high resolution samples. Finally, the "color" analysis mode is capable of extracting and displaying color information from sample images, providing deeper insights into the internal structure of a sample. In summary, JSM 5800LV is a high-performance scanning electron microscope, capable of providing a range of imaging and analysis capabilities. The high-speed Everhigh optics column and multi-mode detector combine to offer extremely high resolution imaging and analysis of samples, enabling researchers to gain unparalleled insight into their formations. Additionally, the multi-mode detector asset, automatic analysis model, and color analysis mode allow for detailed imaging of samples down to the atomic level.
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