Used JEOL JSM 6301F #293610717 for sale

ID: 293610717
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6301F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) which utilizes a focused electron beam to generate high-resolution, high-speed images and spectra of a sample. JEOL JSM 6301 F offers a wide range of imaging and analytical capabilities with its 50mm2 field of view and up to 300kV electron acceleration, allowing for the generation of detailed images at the nanoscale. The main element of the SEM is an electron gun and the electrons are accelerated by a field emission gun. The electrons travel through a column to the sample chamber, where the electrons interact with the sample and create images. The images can then be further analysed using various digital imaging software. This software allows for quantification and analysis of various features present in the sample, such as surface topography, composition, and structure. Another powerful aspect of JSM 6301F is the ability to perform elemental analyses with secondary-electron and backscattered-electron imaging. These techniques use varying energy levels of electrons to probe the composition of the sample and offer chemical mapping, quantitative Oxford-style analysis, and detection of light elements at low accelerating voltage. JSM 6301 F is highly versatile, incorporating several types of detectors to perform various measurements and analyses. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a mode that allows for the characterization of crystallographic and microstructural information at the nanoscale. The EBSD system is designed to accurately locate the fundamental macrostructures of a sample such as grain boundaries, twin boundaries, and phase boundaries. JEOL JSM 6301F also has a cathodoluminescence detector, a high-vacuum chamber, and a monochromated rear-screen detector to further its analytical capabilities. The combination of these features allows for the investigation of various properties, such as resistivity, electrical and magnetic fields, temperature, and more. In addition to its analytical capabilities, JEOL JSM 6301 F also offers an advanced workflow. The software integrates an intuitive graphical user interface that allows users to quickly and easily input relevant parameters, sample information, and processing settings. The combination of powerful imaging, elemental analysis, and intuitive software makes JSM 6301F a valuable tool for research and industry.
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