Used JEOL JSM 6320F #136303 for sale

ID: 136303
FE Scanning Electron Microscope.
JEOL JSM 6320F Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a high-resolution imaging tool used to obtain high-contrast images of samples at the nanoscale and microscale. It is capable of imaging both topographical and elemental contrast and can be used for both inspection and analysis. At the heart of JSM 6320F is a field emission gun that can provide an electron beam with a high primary beam current over a wide beam acceleration voltage range of 0.5 to 30kV. This electron beam is scanned across the specimen to provide the required images. Accurate alignment of the electron beam over the specimen is ensured by the inclusion of a built-in micro-aligner feature on the microscope, thereby ensuring the best possible images are obtained. The electron optics of JEOL JSM 6320F include Schottky and LaB6 electron sources, a quadrupole lens column that provides maximum power stability and aberration, an accelerating side-rod lens, a condenser lens and a parallel beam system to reduce the amount of scattering and improve resolution. In addition, an alterable condenser allows for optimal image quality at any magnification. The high resolution of JSM 6320F SEM is made possible by its Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector and large field of view. The Everhart-Thornley detector is designed to capture every electron backscattered by the sample, thereby providing more accurate images with more contrast. The large field of view allows the user to image a wide area, making it possible to conduct quick inspections and analyses of samples. In addition to imaging, JEOL JSM 6320F is also capable of providing various analytical capabilities. These include electron backscatter diffraction, secondary electron imaging, in-situ scanning thermal analysis, and chemical analysis. In-situ chemical analysis can be carried out using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (WDS) detectors. In conclusion, JSM 6320F is an advanced scanning electron microscope that combines high resolution imaging with powerful analytical capabilities. With its field emission gun, Everhart-Thornley detector, and quadrupole lens column, it is able to provide clear and high contrast images at nano and microscale, while its EDS and WDS detectors enable chemical analysis of samples. As such, it is an ideal tool for microscopy and analysis of samples for many industries and research applications.
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