Used JEOL JSM 6320F #9144812 for sale

ID: 9144812
Wafer Size: 8"
Scanning electron microscope, 8".
JEOL JSM 6320F is a powerful and versatile scanning electron microscope (SEM), capable of a variety of measurements and imaging techniques. JSM 6320F utilizes an electron column with a maximum accelerating voltage of 30 kV, making it ideal for a range of studies ranging from biological specimens to semiconductors. The column is equipped with an in-lens secondary electron detector, which provides high performance imaging of the specimens. The secondary electron detector is capable of distinguishing and highlighting surface features, such as pits, particles and electron beam induced damage. The in-column Everhigh chamber, provides the highest possible vacuum levels for quick evacuation of the chamber and improved resolution of subsequent images. An inflatable door bellows system is also used to ensure optimal pressure levels within the chamber. The SEM's Hi-bright system provides high brightness illumination for up to three objects simultaneously, and utilizes a scintillator-based anti-reflection screen to reduce the amount of background noise present in image acquisition. Simultaneous bright/dark field imaging is also available for optimal visualization of fine surface features. The instrument is also capable of making various low voltage imaging (LVI) modes. LVI imaging is perfect for imaging organic specimens at low voltage and with minimal beam damage. This technique allows for improved contrast and resolution, and enables information to be obtained which would not be visible with regular secondary electron imaging. The microscope is capable of a variety of special measurement techniques, such as energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), a method for in-situ compositional analysis of materials in the specimen. This technique is essential for material characterization and identification. JEOL JSM 6320F also supports an automatic stage which is capable of precise positioning of the specimen for optimal imaging conditions. The stage settings can be easily manipulated for articulating SEM views, including 360 degree rotations, settings for inclined viewing and cross sectional imaging. In conclusion, JSM 6320F is a powerful and versatile scanning electron microscope, capable of a variety of imaging and measurement techniques. It's superior vacuum and illumination systems provide exceptional performance for a range of applications.
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