Used JEOL JSM 6320F #9210319 for sale

ID: 9210319
Wafer Size: 6"
Scanning electron microscope, 6".
JEOL JSM 6320F is a high performance Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) that utilizes advanced electron optics and detectors for imaging samples at the atomic and nanoscale. It is capable of producing stunning high-resolution images of even the finest details. The 6320F provides superior imaging with a field of view of up to 54 µm and an HD resolution of 4.1 nm. The electron beam is accelerated by a 20-pole unipolar magnet which helps to boost current and spatial resolution resolution to obtain detailed images with high contrast and clarity. The 6320F is also equipped with a variety of specimen holders and stages designed to handle a variety of sample types and sizes. It is able to accommodate samples of up to 200 mm in diameter and with a maximum of 120mm height. Its stage adjustment range is up to 40mm in the X and Y directions, allowing for easy ergonomic sample viewing. The SEM is also equipped with a dual detector equipment, designed to give users the most from their specimens. There is a secondary electron (SE) detector which detects the electrons that are scattered from the sample for bright field imaging. This allows for identification of different materials on the sample as well as the ability to detect contrasts from a variety of materials. Additionally, the backscattered electron (BSE) detector is intended to capture large, high contrast images for analyzing the surface of the specimen. Due to its advanced electron optics, the 6320F is capable of imaging at resolutions of up to 10,000x magnification. It is also equipped with both surface control and outer door control systems for sample atmosphere and environmental conditions. The outer door control system is designed to minimize air conditions changes robbing images, while the sample control unit is responsible for keeping the sample's electron emissivity uniform for superior image clarity. JSM 6320F is a truly revolutionary SEM that offers remarkable imaging possibilities. With its dual electron detector machine, advanced optical design and ergonomic specimen stage, it is the perfect instrument for imaging at the atomic and nanoscale. Its high-resolution images and accurate representation of materials makes it an indispensable tool for research, manufacturers and industry.
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