Used JEOL JSM 6335F #293632500 for sale

ID: 293632500
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM).
JEOL JSM 6335F is a high performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) with state-of-the-art features that offer laboratory researchers powerful imaging and analysis capabilities. This powerful SEM is highly versatile, allowing for a wide range of specimens to be studied and analyzed. JSM 6335F features a large working chamber that is approximately 200mm in diameter and 200mm in depth, allowing for large and complex samples to be studied. Samples up to 200 millimeters in size can be imaged with a maximum acceleration voltage of 30kV. The standard specimen table can hold up to 250 kilograms and optional cold stage holder and cooling stages are available to investigate cryogenic specimens. JEOL JSM 6335F is also equipped with a SEM lens equipment with a high-resolution field of view up to 10nm. This lens system provides tremendous image contrast and sharpness, producing detailed images of small features in both conductive and non-conductive samples. The instrument also has a backscatter electron detector (BSD) which enables improved contrast imaging when investigating non-conductive samples. JSM 6335F voltage control and gun unit enable exceptionally fine adjustment of acceleration voltage, probe current, and brightness. The machine also features advanced energy filtering, allowing for analysis of compositional elements in thin layers of samples. JEOL JSM 6335F comes with a suite of software tools to aid in data acquisition, analysis, and storage. This software includes advanced imaging, detection, and quantification features to enable an unsurpassed level of detail for specimen evaluation. All data acquired can be stored for future analysis. JSM 6335F is the perfect instrument for any laboratory or research facility who is looking for a versatile and powerful SEM. Its advanced features offer enhanced imaging and analysis capabilities, allowing for the highest quality data and the most accurate results possible.
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