Used JEOL JSM 6360 #179578 for sale

ID: 179578
Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6360 scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a sophisticated imaging tool that offers high-resolution imaging and advanced analytical capabilities. It is used in a variety of scientific applications such as materials science, industrial process control, and semiconductor failure analysis. The imaging equipment of JSM 6360 consists of a scanning electron microscope column, an image screen, and a motorized stage. The SEM column has three key components that work together to form an image. This includes an electron beam source, an electron optical column, and a beam detector. The electron beam source produces an electron beam with a precisely defined amount of energy. A beam of electrons is sent through the optical column, which consists of multiple lenses and magnetic fields, resulting in an image being projected onto the image screen. The motorized stage is used to move the sample relative to the electron beam source, allowing the electron beam to scan across the sample surface. JEOL JSM 6360 is equipped with advanced analytical tools for elemental analysis, imaging, and characterization. It includes an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for analyzing the composition of the sample's surface, a secondary electron detector for detailed surface imaging, and a dual-beam detector for measuring the sample's surface morphology. The SEM also features an in-column Schottky field emission gun, which allows for a more stable electron beam and contributes to improved resolution. The analytical capabilities of JSM 6360 are further enhanced by an integrated EDAX software suite. This software provides an X-ray imaging system for trace element analysis and a Global Analysis function for planar imaging. Additionally, the software supports the integration of multiple detectors for improved spectral analysis. Overall, JEOL JSM 6360 is a versatile, high-performance SEM unit capable of producing high-resolution imaging and advanced analytical capabilities. Its sophisticated imaging machine and various analytical tools make it an ideal choice for a variety of scientific and industrial applications.
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