Used JEOL JSM 6360LA #9410470 for sale

ID: 9410470
Vintage: 2010
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Computer Pump Power transformer Operating desk 2010 vintage.
JEOL JSM 6360LA is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed to provide high resolution images of a wide range of surface materials. JSM 6360LA utilizes an electron-optical column to fire electrons at a sample, which are reflected and detected by a signal detector. This technique allows the microscope to produce images of samples with a tremendously high degree of detail, limited only by the resolution of the signal detector. The resolution of JEOL JSM 6360LA is high for its class, allowing for images that are as detail-rich as it gets. This is due to its unique signal-detection system, which includes a low-noise, high-transmission electron-optical column that produces highly differentiated electron beams. The base model has a minimum resolution of 3.2nm, though the highest resolution version of JSM 6360LA can generate a resolution of up to 0.7nm. JEOL JSM 6360LA is a versatile tool for imaging surfaces. It is capable of producing a wide range of images, such as high-magnification surface images, elemental analysis images (using an energy dispersive system), and secondary-electron images. It can also generate surface topography images, revealing the surface structure of a sample as well as its elemental composition. Additionally, the 6360LA is able to image specimens with fairly low sample currents—often in the range of tenths of a nano amp—eliminating the risk of charging which is a common issue in many SEMs. Another feature of JSM 6360LA is the ability to control and monitor the electron beam during imaging, which can be done manually, or via computer programs. This allows for precise control of the imaging conditions and can help to achieve the highest possible resolution. Additionally, the 6360LA can be used for in-situ observation under vacuum and is compatible with a wide range of specimen holders for performing a variety of analytical techniques. Ultimately, JEOL JSM 6360LA is a powerful scanning microscope for imaging surfaces with the highest possible resolution. Its unique signal-detection system together with the ability to monitor and control the electron beam make it a highly versatile tool.
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