Used JEOL JSM 6380A #9267245 for sale

ID: 9267245
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6380A is an advanced variable pressure scanning electron microscope (VP-SEM) designed to observe a wide variety of samples across a wide range of applications. This equipment is based on a single-column design, and it uses JEOL single-port single-stage in-lens condenser system for maximum stability and efficiency. This platform is designed for usage in research applications, including environmental, biological, materials, semiconductor, and surface analysis. JSM 6380A offers a large working distance of 450 mm for optimized imaging capabilities. The internal standard specimen chamber of JEOL JSM 6380A is equipped with a high-resolution detector, and the sample can be directly observed without the need of external fixtures. The detector can detect secondary electrons (SE), backscattered electrons (BSE), and brighter-field (BF) information. In addition, there is an optional fully digital signal processor (DSP) unit for improved image resolution. JSM 6380A offers a number of high-performance features including a field-emission electron source, a highly efficient magnetic lens, and a variable pressure environment for improved imaging of biological and ion-conductive samples. The field-emission electron source provides excellent image resolution and vacuum requirements, while the magnetic lens ensures a bright and evenly illuminated field. Furthermore, the variable-pressure machine allows for observation of non-conductive samples such as biological samples, which react poorly in high-vacuum environments. The analytical capabilities of JEOL JSM 6380A are further enhanced by use of variable-pressure imaging (VPI). VPI is the combination of an in-lens condensers, a variable pressure control, and two electron detectors: an SE and a BSE. VPI allows for imaging of cleaved surfaces in order to determine the relationship between grain boundaries and defects, enabling detailed analysis of specimens that are otherwise inaccessible in a high-vacuum environment. In addition, JSM 6380A comes with advanced automation and imaging software, allowing for fast and accurate sample analysis and data processing. This software can be set with user-defined parameters for quick and easy use. Additionally, the tool is compatible with JEOL Insight In+SEM Auto-detection asset, allowing for automated detection and analysis of metallic particles and thin films, as well as automatic annotation of regions of interest. JEOL JSM 6380A is a powerful tool designed to expand the research potential of electron microscopy. With its advanced instrumentation and user-friendly software, JSM 6380A is ideal for use in research and industrial laboratories, enabling the imaging and analysis of a wide variety of samples from a variety of application areas.
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