Used JEOL JSM 6390LA #9205545 for sale

ID: 9205545
Analytical scanning electron microscope.
JEOL JSM 6390LA is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed to provide a high-resolution imaging solution for a variety of materials and samples. The instrument incorporates several advanced features to allow researchers to analyze samples at the nano-scale level with excellent accuracy and reliability. The microscope is equipped with a field emission gun (FEG) source, which produces a high-beam current for an improved signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, the source is equipped with a monochromater to reduce chromatic aberration during imaging. Furthermore, the SEM is equipped with anti-reflection coatings which reduce background noise contributions from scattered electrons. The microscope is designed to enable a wide variety of imaging modes, including high resolution secondary electron imaging, backscattered electron imaging and an innovative colour EDX detector for elemental analysis. The design of the instrument allows the switching between imaging modes almost seamlessly without manual adjustment, allowing for an effortless transition between imaging techniques. Furthermore, the design of the SEM allows for multiple specimen holders to be used in a single experiment, for example a secondary electron detector, EDX detector and backscattered electron detector can all be used simultaneously. Additionally, the instrument has a built-in high vacuum differential pumping system which allows for samples to be moved inside the vacuum chamber with minimal disturbance. The instrument is also equipped with a motorised sample stage which allows for automated scanning and imaging of large samples. The motorized stage is capable of positioning the sample with an accuracy of up to 0.03 um and can be used to acquire a range of high resolution images in a matter of minutes. Overall, JSM 6390LA is an advanced scanning electron microscope with many innovative features that are designed to provide a reliable and accurate imaging solution for a variety of materials and studies. The system is highly efficient, allowing for rapid imaging across multiple modes with minimal manual adjustment. The versatility of the microscope makes it an ideal tool for research requiring a high-resolution, reliable and advanced imaging solution.
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