Used JEOL JSM 6401F #9195987 for sale

ID: 9195987
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) With FEG Components: Chiller: Water recirculator R075 Digital image archiving system US-ARC64 Alden digital continuous tone thermal printer External computer control interface GW Electronics infrared chamberscope.
JEOL JSM 6401F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that uses electrons to image a sample. It works by focusing an electron beam onto the sample which can then be scanned over the region of interest. The electrons interact with the matter, ultimately causing secondary electrons to escape from the surface that can then be detected and form an image. JSM 6401F has a wide range of features that allow for versatile operation. It is equipped with a field emission gun that allows for high resolution imaging of even the smallest samples. The gun is capable of producing electron energies ranging from 0.5 - 30 kV, allowing for maximum flexibility in different operating parameters. It also includes a variable pressure chamber, making it ideal for imaging delicate samples. JEOL JSM 6401F includes a variety of other features that make it highly useful for a wide range of applications. It has an auto focus system that can automatically detect and adjust the focus of the electron beam as the specimen is scanned. It also features a 5 axis system with multiple stages that enable precise sample positioning. JSM 6401F can be used in conjunction with various detectors to allow for a range of imaging techniques. These include conventional SEM imaging, back-scattered electrons (BSE) imaging, secondary electrons (SE) imaging, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Additionally, the microscope includes a range of other accessories that can be used, such as specimen holders, cryogenic specimen holders, and liquid nitrogen cooling systems. JEOL JSM 6401F is a powerful, versatile SEM that can be used in various fields of research, including materials science, biomedical engineering, forensic science, and geology, among many others. Its wide range of features and accessories make it a great choice for both novice users and experienced scientists.
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