Used JEOL JSM 6460LA #9362208 for sale

ID: 9362208
Vintage: 2004
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 2004 vintage.
JEOL JSM 6460LA is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for high-resolution imaging and analysis. It is capable of collecting detailed images and analysis data of samples at the atomic and nanoscale. It is equipped with a field-emission gun, a high-resolution stage, and an image processing equipment. The system is highly efficient and reliable and can be used to study a variety of samples in industries from biochemistry to materials engineering. JSM 6460LA utilizes a field-emission gun (FEG) source for producing a beam of electrons. This source allows the instrument to produce very high resolution images with a greatly improved signal-to-noise ratio. This FEG source increases the resolution of the instrument to 1nm, and it also increases the sensitivity of the detector. The detector is designed to collect secondary electrons, allowing the instrument to attain high-quality images. The microscope also features a high-precision stage. This stage allows the specimen to be moved so it can be accurately imaged. The stage is capable of carrying up to 10g of sample weight and a scan area up to 130mm by 130mm. It also features a wide-angle capability, allowing the sample to be scanned from various angles for analysis. In addition to its imaging capabilities, JEOL JSM 6460LA also features an image processing unit. This machine is designed to enhance the quality of the images obtained by the instrument. It is able to perform automatic enhancement of the images by adjusting the color saturation, contrast, and brightness. The tool also has the ability to perform automated measurements of the scan lines. This includes measurements such as line width, cross-sectional area, and other dimensions. Overall, JSM 6460LA is an extremely powerful scanning electron microscope that is designed for detailed imaging and analysis. It is capable of producing highly detailed images and analysis data of samples at the atomic and nanoscale. It is an efficient and reliable asset and is suitable for use in a variety of industries in order to explore the atomic and nano-structures of samples.
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