Used JEOL JSM 6460LV #9236116 for sale

ID: 9236116
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6460LV scanning electron microscope (SEM), is a powerful imaging instrument used for the observation of samples at the nanoscale. This model is capable of generating high-resolution images of up to 50,000x with a backscatter electron detector, providing users with an impactful and detailed representation of the morphology or structure of a sample. JEOL JSM-6460LV is equipped with a field emission gun, which generates a high-quality electron beam for high-magnification imaging. This is accomplished with a substantially lower accelerating voltage of 2kV, allowing for finer specimens to be observed with less sample damage than with conventional SEMs. Moreover, the investigators have the capability to customize their settings depending on the type of sample they are analyzing and the desired results. JEOL 6460LV has a built-in image processing software suite (Image Processing Suite), which includes several features for editing sample images. This includes filters for adjusting contrast levels, correcting spherical aberrations, sharpening images, removing noise, adjusting brightness, and more. The microscope also has an in-situ detection equipment (IDD), which helps to identify virally infected cells. JEOL 6460LV is fitted with an Advanced Low Vacuum (ALV) chamber, which is a high-pressure chamber that can be operated to pressures between 15 and 500 mtorr. This enables the user to observe samples in low-vacuum mode, with minimal sample damage and high usability. Additionally, the ALV chamber is also equipped with an automated gas purging system, which also assists with specimen preparation. Other features of JEOL 6460LV include a piezolever scanner unit, which allows for precise specimen alignment, and an electron beam-to-sample alignment machine for adjusting the electron beam on the samplestage. Furthermore, JEOL model is enhanced with several electronic interfaces which facilitate multiuser operation and facilitate data sharing between the instrument and other laboratory computers. In closing, JSM 6460LV is a modern scanning electron microscope capable of providing high-resolution and stunning images of samples like nanowires and nanotubes. This model features various advanced imaging functions, and a low-vacuum environment for precise imaging of delicate samples. Lastly, this tool also has several features for accurate image processing, as well as lab automation capabilities for increasing work efficiency.
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