Used JEOL JSM 6480LV #9249037 for sale

ID: 9249037
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6480LV scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a laboratory instrument used to analyze material samples at the microscopic level. It utilizes a high-energy beam of electrons to interact with the specimen, resulting in forms of data based on the interaction of the beam with the sample. JSM 6480LV features an Everhard-Thornley SE (secondary electron) detector allowing high-resolution imaging and a modern back-scattered electron (BSE) detector providing efficient BSE imaging. It operates with a low acceleration voltage, making the SEM suitable for the study of non-conductive samples. The large chamber allows for easy positioning and manipulations of various samples without the need for a vacuum chamber. JEOL JSM 6480LV SEM has a large field of view for samples up to a size of 12 x 0.9 mm, with magnification extending up to 500,000x. The high resolution of the instrument enables 2D imaging and chemical analysis of intricate structures and features in material samples, making it an effective tool for research and development in nanotechnology. To ensure reliable repeatable results, JSM 6480LV boasts several advanced features such as variable spot imaging to investigate localized changes in the specimen, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis for quantifying light elements, a built-in X-ray miniprobe and EDX Detector for elemental analysis, and a comprehensive range of software packages which enable automatic alignment of samples and user control over collected data. JEOL JSM 6480LV is an ideal tool for research in a variety of fields such as nano-materials, pharmaceutical drug design, MEMS production, and forensic investigation. Its innovative features and superior imaging quality make it an invaluable tool for scientists and engineers who need to visualize and analyze a wide range of material samples at the microscopic level.
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