Used JEOL JSM 6510LV #293630488 for sale

ID: 293630488
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 6510LV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a specialized microscopy instrument used for imaging and analyzing objects on a sub-micron scale. This instrument can magnify specimens up to 500000 times its actual size, making it ideal for revealing intricate structures and making measurements of very small objects. The microscope also has the ability to detect and display changes in potential, allowing material analysis to be done at a very high resolution. JSM 6510LV has an electron column designed for both variable-pressure and low-vacuum mode, with a vacuum level measured by a vacuum gauge. The electron beam is optimized to five different voltage settings. JEOL SEM uses a high resolution digital camera to capture and save images in digital format. A high resolution monitor and touch screen console allow the user to interact with the instrument, fine tune operating settings, and quickly access stored images. The manufacturer designed JEOL JSM 6510LV for both low- and high-vacuum modes of operation. This means that both environmental and biological samples can be analyzed without worries of contamination from atmospheric gases. The microscope also has an EDX detector, which allows for elemental analysis of the specimen. The instrument is capable of applying a range of detectors including backscattered electrons, transmitted electrons, and secondary electrons, which can be used to reveal different structural details and provide various analytical information. JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope offers outstanding image resolution with its in-column auto-focus system and high performance stabilizer, giving very detailed and clear images. Furthermore, advanced imaging techniques such as SEMEBSD analysis, SEET analysis, and SED measurement are available to aid researchers in obtaining the most useful results from their experiments. JEOL SEM also features a computer-controlled specimen and stage system allowing automated viewing and analysis of specimens. Overall, JSM 6510LV Scanning Electron Microscope is an extremely versatile instrument capable of revealing structural details down to the nanometer scale. Its ability to offer information on potential as well as its analytical techniques make it an invaluable tool for a number of research applications. In addition, its user friendly interface, high-resolution imaging and stable operation allow for effortless and precise operation.
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