Used JEOL JSM 6600 #9136256 for sale

ID: 9136256
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Digital camera Wafer load lock Denka lab6 cathodes with 10 to 15 spares NORAN EDS Spare parts: (1) Extender: MP001569-01 (1) Extender: AP002139(00) (1) Vacuum controller: AP001129-01 (1) MAG PWRAMP: 152048-1/1 (1) PS RGLTR CCT 1 SM151003 (1) CRT PAT: 1520048-1/1 (1) PA RGLTR CCT 2 1520048-1/1 (1) Specimen current amplifier type 103B (1) PCSM-PCD40D: EP380131 (1) EVTH DETECTOR PMT (14) Wehnelt assemblies: 804302090 (6) Wehnelt assemblies with LaB6 804302090 (3) Wehnelt assemblies withLaB6 804302090 (2) Wehnelt assemblies with LaB6 804302090 (1) Wehnelt assembly with LaB6 804302090 (2) Anodes (5) Tools (1) Silicon wafer holder 8 1/4" W/5 50MM (1) Silicon wafer holder 6 1/4" W/5 40MM (2) Silicon wafer holder 5 1/4" W/5 25MM Includes manual.
JEOL JSM 6600 is an advanced scanning electron microscope designed for operation in research environments. The use of this device enables the researcher to observe and analyze the structure of a variety of samples, ranging from biological to material-based specimens. JEOL JSM-6600 operates at an accelerating voltage of between 0.1 and 30 kV, and an ultra-high vacuum mode of vacuum up to 4.5 x 10-7 Pa, giving it the capacity to operate with both dry and wet samples. This microscope is equipped with a variety of advanced electron optics, including a field emission gun and a pole piece scan lens. This means that the beam can be accurately directed to acquire images and collect data from the sample. The high performance of JSM 6600 also allows for more precise analysis of the specimens. For example, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) can be used to perform elemental microanalysis, allowing for the measurement of the surface composition of materials. Further to elemental analysis, the panchromatic detector and the visible image detector (VID) can be used to provide the researcher with an image of the specimen in color. JSM-6600 is equipped with a touchscreen user interface, making it easier than ever to adjust the settings of the microscope and explore its powerful capabilities. Furthermore, the automated procedures enable the user to save time, given that the microscope can handle multiple samples simultaneously. Overall, the versatility and advanced capabilities of JEOL JSM 6600 have made it one of the most in-demand scanning electron microscopes on the market. It is capable of delivering high quality images and accurately measuring the composition of the sample, resulting in superior research results.
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