Used JEOL JSM 6600F #9395491 for sale

ID: 9395491
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Controller Power SEIKO SEIKI STP Control unit KYKY SCB-12 Coating machine.
JEOL JSM 6600F is an advanced scanning electron microscope (SEM) that utilizes an innovative hybrid equipment containing both thermal field emission (TFE) and high brightness field emission (HBF) sources. This hybrid source technology provides a versatile platform ideal for a wide variety of applications in both research and industrial settings, including materials science, nanotechnology, semiconductor processing, and bioimaging. The instrument features a powerful, high-speed gun lens that delivers a reliable field of view for accurate imaging and excellent resolution. Its SE2 (Secondary Electron) detection system provides accurate analysis of topographical information as well as high contrast images of the surface properties of specimens. Additionally, JEOL JSM-6600F can be equipped with a host of additional analytical capabilities, including energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to detect elements with high atomic numbers and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) for quantitative crystallographic measurements. The advanced sample stage of JSM 6600F allows for precise manual and automated control of both vertical and lateral motion, with a maximum sample stage speed of 5mm/sec. The extra-large sample area of the stage can accommodate up to 6-inch diameter specimens, providing flexibility in specimen handling. Additionally, the highly sensitive joystick control allows for precise positioning of the sample, creating accurate images with optimal contrast and optimal resolution. JSM-6600F also offers a wide range of other features to meet the needs of researchers and engineers. A vacuum chamber with dual evacuate capability helps reduce beam drift and charging of samples. An optional auto-focus unit makes sample adjustment and alignment easier and more accurate. The instrument also includes an airlock machine for loading and unloading specimens, a video camera for remote viewing, and an easy-to-use graphical control tool. Finally, the excellent performance of JEOL JSM 6600F is supported by its reliable construction and high performance specs. The temperature-controlled environment maintained inside the instrument reduces thermal expansion changes and provides a stable platform for imaging. Rapid initialization of the asset further speeds up start-up time. An ion-beam limiter further helps to reduce the risk of sample damage due to over-exposure.
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