Used JEOL JSM 7001F #9260022 for sale

ID: 9260022
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 7001F is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that utilizes electron beam imaging to obtain high resolution images of specimens. It features a tungsten filament next to the sample chamber, allowing for a high energy electrons, which travel through the filament allowing for greater magnifications. JEOL JSM-7001F can magnify samples up to 200,000x and its electron beam has a spot size of 4nm. Its vacuum systems allows for highly stable operation and excellent image quality. The microscope comes with the standard low vacuum, ultra-low and variable pressure systems. Its low and ultra-low vacuum systems reduce the Cs corrector condenser aperture to allow atomic level imaging quality. The variable pressure equipment helps maintain optimal conditions for observation of air and water sensitive samples, as well as giving the user the ability to adjust the pressure as needed. JSM 7001F features a digital control system and a digital imaging unit with a two-channel display machine. The positional accuracy of the stage movements is 0.1 µm and the sample chamber can be filled with a variety of gases such as nitrogen or argon. Additionally, an automated ultra-high vacuum capability is available with JSM-7001F. The special automated ultra-high vacuum capability allows specimens to be completely immobile, facilitating precision imaging and manipulation of the electron beam to examine extremely small specimen features. JEOL JSM 7001F also includes a wide range of options, accessories, and detectors to allow for ultimate flexibility. JEOL JSM-7001F is capable of detecting multiple signals, including secondary and backscattered electrons, which give excellent topographical contrast. It also includes an in-chamber fluorescent detector, allowing for determination of element composition. The imaging tool includes options that include a full range of digital options. Overall, JSM 7001F is a high performance scanning electron microscope that utilizes electron beam imaging to give excellent resolution and contrast for observing a wide range of samples. The microscope's digital control asset, high level of accuracy, and accompanying accessories make it a valuable tool to the microscopy field.
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