Used JEOL JSM 700D #9103836 for sale

ID: 9103836
Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 700D is a versatile and high-performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) commonly used in materials science research. This scanning electron microscope is designed to image surface features of samples at resolutions up to 2 nanometers. JSM 700D operates with a variety of detector systems, including everhart-thornley detectors, secondary electron detectors, and eds detectors. Through in-lens electron optics, the microscope is capable of magnifying at extremely high resolutions—over 300,000X. JEOL JSM 700D scanning electron microscope uses a tungsten filament electron gun, which produces a high-energy electron beam of 1.5 nanometers in diameter. This beam is then transmitted through a series of lenses, which further reduce its diameter to the range of 0.4 to 5 nanometers. This high-resolution electron beam is then rastered across the sample at varying magnifications, enabling users to capture images with unprecedented depth and detail. JSM 700D has several additional capabilities that make it stand out from other scanning electron microscopes. For example, this model has a variable pressure stage that allows researchers to image delicate crystals or surface layers of ceramic materials without damaging the sample. The Variable Pressure feature also improves image quality by mitigating surface charging effects. JEOL JSM 700D scanning electron microscope also includes an automated stage which provides convenient sample positioning and adjustment. Often, this sample stage can be equipped with XYZ-Axis motorized stages, allowing scientific researchers to precisely adjust sample fields or scan an entire sample surface. In summary, JSM 700D is a powerful and capable scanning electron microscope designed to facilitate materials science research. Its incredible resolution, variable pressure stage, and advanced scan automation make this instrument an ideal tool for materials and nanotechnology research.
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