Used JEOL JSM 820 #9287783 for sale

ID: 9287783
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 820 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that provides high resolution imaging of objects down to the nano-scale. It employs a tungsten filament to generate a beam of electrons which is focused and directed onto the sample to be examined using electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses. The sample needs to be fully charged in order to be scanned, which is accomplished by bombarding it with a secondary electron beam. This causes a cloud of secondary electrons to be emitted by the sample, forming an image which is displayed on the microscope's image processor. JSM 820 has a fast scanning speed which allows it to produce magnifications up to 100,000 times its original size, which makes it capable of detecting even the smallest details of an object's surface. Its range of imaging modes also allow users to examine a range of specimens, from light absorbing surfaces to non-conductive ones. The microscope has an automated stage, which provides precise sample location, and is equipped with a digital camera for capturing images of specimens. JEOL JSM 820 is also capable of collecting data from the sample, allowing it to be used for conducting a variety of experiments, including elemental analysis. It is equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) which measures the energy of x-rays emitted by the sample when subjected to an electron beam. This allows the microscope to deduce the sample's elemental composition. Additionally, JSM 820 can be configured for automatic tomography, enabling users to build three-dimensional images of the specimen. In summation, JEOL JSM 820 is a powerful scanning electron microscope, which can be used to examine objects down to the nano-scale. Its combination of high resolution imaging and automatic sample location make it a great choice for high-end analysis and experimentation. Thanks to its automated tomography capabilities, it can also be used for creating three-dimensional reconstructions of specimens.
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