Used JEOL JSM 840 #9102733 for sale

ID: 9102733
Scanning electron microscope (SEM).
JEOL JSM 840 is a high-performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed for a wide range of applications. It provides detailed images with nanometer resolution and acquisition times of several thousand images per second. It has an integral two-pole, adjustable-height electrostatic column, an integrated wet-etching equipment, and a built-in, ultra-broadband energy filter. The energy filter provides an energy range up to + or - 1000 electron Volts (eV), thereby enabling the optimization of images for different materials and surface topographies. JSM 840 also has a focused ion beam that can deliver specimens for nearly any imaging condition. An ultrahigh-resolution image column with a digital variable astigmatism control feature allows for improved image quality, finer details, and smoother gradient transitions under difficult imaging conditions. The integrated wet-etching system reduces time and complexity of routine sample preparation. JEOL JSM 840 has many potential applications, and it is well-suited for a variety of materials, including semiconductor-grade silicon, compound semiconductors, ceramics, and advanced metallization layers. The sophisticated control unit extends to the energy filter and the ion source, allowing for fine adjustments in imaging parameters and optimal contrast. The high-resolution imaging column, ultra-wide energy range, and wet-etching machine are ideal for studies of semiconductor-grade silicon, compound semiconductors, ceramics, and advanced metallization layers. JSM 840 has an automatic sample-exchange chamber that simplifies the sample loading and unloading process. The exchange chamber is equipped with an automated stage tool for simple and consistent sample loading. The stage asset is capable of reaching into tight spaces due to its large angular range, allowing for the efficient imaging of samples in difficult sampling or assembly configurations. JEOL JSM 840 is a flexible, user-friendly, and powerful scanning electron microscope that can provide excellent imaging results and improved productivity.
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