Used JEOL JSM 840A #293636538 for sale

ID: 293636538
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), parts machine Main power CSL S&A CW-3000 9L Water chiller for 110 V CNC machine PERKIN ELMER / PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS DGC III Digital gauge controller (P/N: 6050600AH) PERKIN ELMER / PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS Sublimator (P/N: 2240550AA) PERKIN ELMER / PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS 1500 Ion pump controller (P/N: 2221500V) DEBEN RESEARCH JV3.20 Sprite HR Stage controller joystick with controller.
JEOL JSM 840A is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that uses a high voltage electron beam to produce images of sample surfaces. The beam scans across the specimen in a raster pattern producing a series of dot-like images that can be combined to create a high-resolution image. JEOL JSM-840A is a high-performance SEM that offers a wide range of analytical capabilities. It has a maximum operatingvoltage of 30 kV and a maximum scanning magnification of x17,000. It can be used for imaging and spectroscopic applications, and can measure samples with a resolution of up to 0.3nm. It also has several other features including a position-sensitive detector for Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) analysis. This SEM is equipped with a digital video camera and a motorizedstage for sample positioning. It has a variety of software packages available including the Digital Photography and Image Analysis Equipment (DPIAS) and the Immunometrics Analysis Package (IAP). The IAP provides calibrated elemental maps and accurate thickness measurements. JSM 840A also features an advanced cooling system and an efficient vacuum pump that provide stable conditions for sample preparation and imaging. The vacuum pump minimizes sample damage as it seals off the work chamber and keeps the instrument at a desired and stable pressure. The SEM is equipped with comprehensive safety features, including an interlock and emergency stop unit. This machine prevents any voltage potential more than 4kV in the scanning chamber, keeping the operator and sample safe. JSM-840A is a high-performance SEM with exceptional imaging and analysis capabilities. It provides accurate results for a variety of applications and its advanced safety features make it a reliable instrument for user safety.
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