Used JEOL JSM 840A #9069106 for sale

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ID: 9069106
Scanning electron microscope Kevex EDS 3600-0405 analyzer (low element quantum detector) Non-functional.
JEOL JSM 840A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a versatile tool for producing high-resolution images of samples in both plan and side-view orientation. The microscope utilizes an electron source to detect secondary and backscattered electrons whose images are projected onto a phosphor screen. The SEM delivers high resolution images of specimens from 1 nm to 1000 μm in size. The SEM's main component is the field emission electron source, which consists of a filament from which electrons are emitted. The emitted electrons are then accelerated by high voltage, 7kV or 15kV, to pass through the gun and the aperture. A correctly adjusted gun lens and extraction lens system gives the electrons their required energy and focuses them to a small spot, 1nm-1μm. The electron beam scanning system consists of several deflectors and 3-axes scanner coils which are used to produce predetermined two-dimensional patterns for scanning the sample surface. The electron beam scanning system moves the beam in a pre-selected raster pattern on the specimen surface and the secondary electrons (SE) and the backscattered electrons (BSE) are collected by detectors located on either side of the sample stage or on the stage itself. The electrons then pass through an electronic amplifier that magnifies and further focuses the beam onto the target (phosphor screen) for processing and digitization. The electron beam passes through a pixel cell where both the electrons and their associated energy which create a projection of the passing beam on to the target. The image on the target is then digitized, saved, and viewed on a monitor, allowing quantitative analysis of the sample's features. In addition to SEM imaging, JEOL JSM-840A also offers elemental analysis capability by combining energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) with the SEM component. The EDS module is designed for elemental mapping and can provide elemental composition information based on analysis of the energy spectrum and for small regions of interest. JSM 840A is a massively powerful instrument capable of producing high-resolution images with magnification ranges of up to x650,000. While this microscope is heavier than most, it offers greater and more versatile scanning capabilities. As such, it is an ideal tool for both academic and industrial research and imaging applications.
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