Used JEOL JSM 840A #9102734 for sale

ID: 9102734
Vintage: 1983
Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 1983 vintage.
JEOL JSM 840A is a scanning electron microscope designed to provide high resolution imaging and analysis of samples with large depth of fields for better analysis. Its Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) environment and field emission electron source provide good image resolution. It has a field emission gun with a special optics equipment to produce an ideal electron beam and give a better image resolution. Its secondary and backscatter detectors with a resolution of 3Å can detect the electrons that are emitted from the sample. JEOL JSM-840A has a stage capacity of 300mm, a range of acceleration voltage from 1kV to 30kV, and an Electron Column For Traveling Wave (ECTW) feature that can be used to carry out experiments such as the in situ observation of chemical reactions. This system also has a high-speed navigation unit and automated stage shift functions- for rapid-sample transfer and automated mapping. This SEM also includes a native 3D capability for investigating sample structures. It has a high zoom ratio of up to 250X, a cell imaging stage, and an automated image capturing and stitching feature. This machine has a maximum magnification of 400,000X, so it has great ability to magnify small features or particles. It has a 4-quadrant detector for Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) that allows for a combination of elemental analysis and imaging. JSM 840A also has an image processing unit that can improve the image quality by modifying the brightness and contrast, eliminating noise, and sharpening objects' edges. In addition, it can also capture a single, full-field A3 imaging in 15 seconds and offers the ability to capture multiple fields for piecing together as a mosaic. This scanning electron microscope is an ideal tool for applications such as failure analysis, defect analysis, and surface analysis. Its high resolution imaging makes it ideal for observing nanoscale structures and processes.
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