Used JEOL JSM IT100 #293594511 for sale
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JEOL JSM IT100 is a high resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) that allows for imaging and analysis from the nano- to the macro scale. The high levels of magnification, imaging resolution, and high range of sensitivity make it a valuable tool for research and development in a variety of fields, including semiconductor production, materials science, and failure analysis. The electron source is an Ultra High tension Super Bright gun, capable of accelerating electrons up to 30kV, which produce the high amount of magnification and resolution the microscope is known for. Furthermore, with the nanofocus feature, the electron beam size can be stable at down to 25nm. In addition, the analytical X-ray attachment allows JEOL JSM-IT 100 to flip to a transmission electron microscope (TEM) mode with a digital imaging plate (DIP) detector system, allowing elemental and structural analysis of samples. The digital camera in JSM IT 100 allows for real-time imaging and can be used to generate both 2D and 3D images. Sample preparation for JEOL JSM IT 100 is straightforward for a variety of specimens, with the chamber having a large sample chamber and a wide array of accessories to handle different sample shapes. Some of these accessories include a vacuum attachment, cryo stage, an auto-sampler, and a heating stage. The results generated by JSM-IT 100 can be used for a variety of purposes, most notably for failure analysis of a variety of materials. The high resolution imaging and elemental analysis capabilities of the microscope allow researchers to identify problems with components and build simulations to analyze the cause of failure. The sophisticated software included with JSM IT100 allows for user-friendly analysis and manipulation of the collected data. It includes a wide range of image processing and data analysis capabilities, including imaging with amplitudes, phase imaging, particle analysis, and elemental analysis. These are all accessible through the automation tray and make it easy to obtain the desired results. Overall, with its high resolution, sensitivity, and wide variety of accessories and analysis capabilities, JEOL JSM IT100 is an essential tool for research and development in a variety of fields. Its sophisticated feature set provides users with the versatility they need to get the most out of their SEM experiments.
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