Used JEOL JSM T330A #9270123 for sale

ID: 9270123
Vintage: 1989
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 1989 vintage.
JEOL JSM T330A is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is used for high-resolution imaging and analysis of a variety of materials. It is a versatile SEM that offers excellent performance and various imaging modes suitable for a wide range of applications. The T330A has an energy dispersive X-ray detector (EDS) and a large-area detector (LAD) that work together to provide high-resolution imaging capabilities. The EDS is capable of collecting X-ray spectra from individual particles or regions of interest within the sample. This allows for elemental mapping and analysis of the sample. The LAD is used for imaging of the sample surface and morphology. In addition to imaging and analysis, the T330A is also equipped with several other features that enhance the user's experience. JEOL Field Lens Equipment (JFLS) combines several lenses in order to create a larger field of view of the sample. This allows the user to capture a larger area of the sample without the need to move the sample. The Auto-focus Automation System (AFAS) provides automatic focus on the sample when imaging and is ideal for users who are unfamiliar with the SEM process. The T330A also has an integrated digital video unit which allows the operator to observe the status of the sample during experiments. This machine consists of a color CCD camera and user-friendly software that enables the user to monitor and capture video of the experiments. The SEM operates in both low and high vacuum modes. The low vacuum mode allows the user to observe samples at atmospheric pressure for more sensitive imaging. The high vacuum mode increases resolution and clarity of the sample image. The T330A is an excellent imaging device for a wide variety of applications. Its sophisticated optics, tools, and user-friendly features make it an ideal instrument for any laboratory.
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