Used JEOL JWS 7500E #9223533 for sale

ID: 9223533
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Wafer stuck inside Optics need to be replaced.
JEOL JWS 7500E is a sophisticated scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is designed to help researchers observe and analyze samples on an atomic and nanoscopic scale. The microscope uses a scanning electron beam to illuminate and magnify samples. Using a combination of digital imaging and interaction techniques, researchers can obtain detailed images and 3D surface renderings with the microscope. JWS 7500E utilizes a high-power 40kV field emission electron gun (FEG) to generate a beam of electrons, which are then accelerated through an electromagnetic lens and focused into a plane. This accelerated beam of electrons is then scanned across the sample to form an image using a scanning mode called secondary electron image (SEI). JEOL JWS 7500E also has the ability to detect reflected or secondary electrons, which can generate a higher resolution image with greater depth information. The microscope also has the ability to utilize backscattered electrons (BSE) imaging, allowing researchers to observe samples that have higher contrast. In addition to creating images, JWS 7500E is also equipped with an energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyzer to detect elemental compositions of samples. This can provide researchers with valuable information about the sample composition, allowing them to more accurately identify elements and compounds present in the sample. JEOL JWS 7500E is also compatible with cryogenic preparation systems, allowing samples to be viewed and analyzed at temperatures as low as -200°C. This allows researchers to observe samples in their true state and eliminate any changes due to the sample responding to changes in the environment. Overall, JWS 7500E is an extremely powerful scanning electron microscope that is well-suited for both nanoscopic imaging and elemental analysis. Its wide range of capabilities and its compatibility with cryogenic systems allow researchers to obtain detailed and accurate images of samples on an atomic level.
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