Used JEOL JXA 733 #9355829 for sale

ID: 9355829
Electron probe micro analyzer.
JEOL JXA 733 is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) designed to cover a wide range of microscopy applications. The microscope is known for its high-resolution imaging and its advanced sample stage capabilities. It can be used for viewing samples of all types—from semiconductors and biological samples to geological specimens. JEOL JXA-733's resolution is capable of producing images up to a resolution of 5 nm in secondary electron mode. Its electron gun is capable of accelerating electrons up to 3 kV and has a 40 mm2 maximum field of view. The vacuum unit has a stainless steel chamber that provides low-vacuum capability with a base pressure of 8 x 10-3 Pa. The microscope has a versatile sample stage; it can accommodate basic research as well as more sophisticated applications. The sample stage is designed with a high degree of flexibility, enabling it to accommodate a wide variety of sample sizes and shapes. It features a motorized Z-movement and an easy-to-use interface for controlling and positioning the sample. A high-resolution 10-megapixel digital camera with advanced software also comes included with the microscope. JXA 733 is a reliable system that provides superior image quality and throughput, making it an ideal choice for imaging tasks. It's easy to use and maintain, and the microscope's robust design ensures longevity and consistent performance. JXA-733 is also a cost-effective option for high-precision imaging, making it a great choice for laboratories and research institutions looking for a versatile and powerful SEM system.
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