Used JEOL JXA 733 #9373251 for sale

ID: 9373251
Electron probe micro analyzers.
JEOL JXA 733 is a high-performance scanning electron microscope (SEM) capable of imaging a wide range of specimen types and providing advanced analytical capabilities. It features high resolution imaging and analytical capabilities, offering an optimal platform for the exploration of microstructures and materials. JEOL JXA-733 is capable of scanning samples from 30 to 30,000x magnification in a variety of imaging modes. It can capture high resolution digital images and surface information with superior accuracy. High-powered low-voltage scanning can be used to resolve charged particles such as electrons, ions and neutral atoms. Low-voltage transmission and secondary electron imaging capabilities allow for the observation of particles with improved low-contrast detail. Additionally, semi-automatic backscattered electron imaging and differential contrast imaging allow for high-contrast observation of complex materials. JXA 733 also provides elemental microanalysis capabilities. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is used to analyze the composition of sample and determine the elemental makeup of the sample. It also utilizes electron-beam-induced charging, allowing for the identification of non-conductive samples. Furthermore, Auger electron spectroscopy can be used to further analyze surface composition and analyze sample surface layers. EELS, or electron energy loss spectroscopy, can analyze bulk information and provide a high-resolution distribution of elements within a sample. JXA-733 comes with an automated interface, providing enhanced user experience. Its control system operationalizes the microscope to accurately acquire data in real time with a simple, easy-to-use interface. The scan table has a wide range of features, including auto-focusing, automatic sample identification, easy scan target adjustment and an interchangeable sample stage. All in all, JEOL JXA 733 is a powerful, feature-rich scanning electron microscope offering high resolution imaging and advanced analysis capabilities. Its automated controls and wide range of imaging and analysis technologies make it an ideal tool for researchers exploring microstructures and materials.
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